Ican assist you in requesting inthe modified driver’s license permit to driveor the administrative hearing onyour driver's license. We can send aletter to the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety (by fax)and they have to receive it within 15 days of the date of your arrest(not just mailed but actuallyreceived). There are noextensions of time and it is a flat 15 days including counting weekends andcounting holidays. If the final day forreceipt falls on a holiday or weekend then it is extended to the followingMonday or day that they are open, but you should not wait till the last minuteto send them the letter. If you are herein my office, then I can assist you in faxing this request today. If you win theDPS hearing then you do NOT have to have an interlock device installed in yourvehicle.
It is very difficult to win aDPS license administrative hearing because it is a civil administrativeproceeding and not a court hearing.Hearsay is admissible and the hearing judge is a DPS official and not adistrict court judge. It would be similar tohaving the Chief Law Enforcement Officer or chief of police listen to theevidence to decide if correct procedures were followed and if you should loseyour license. An administrative hearingis not held in a court room and court rules do not apply. It is governed by administrative hearingrules, not court rules.
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It is alsoimportant to note that if you get convicted of a driving under the influencecase, then the department of public safety may suspend your driver'slicense by virtue of receiving a conviction for a dui separately from the administrative hearing- which means that even if you win theadministrative hearing that the department of public safety may suspend youdriver’s license but if you agree to a modified driver’s license inplace of the hearing then you would not lose you driving privilege if youwere convicted of the DUI.