Manfaat dari hasil evaluasi penyuluhan antara lain: menentukan tingkat perubahan perilaku petani, untuk perbaikan program, sarana, prosedur, pengorganisasian dan pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian dan untuk penyempurnaan kebijakan penyuluhan pertanian. Pelaporan hasil kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian sangat penting sebagai penyampaian informasi, sebagai bahan pengambilan keputusan/kebijakan.
Jurnal Penyuluhan SKPM, Volume 1, Nomor 1 (2005)KOMPETENSI PENYULUH PERTANIAN DI TUJUH KECAMATAN DI KABUPATEN BEKASI, JAWA BARATRidwan Kurniawan, Amri JahiAbstractAgricultural Extension agents must acquire certain competencies so as to perform well in doing their jobs. Competencies were the combination of knowledge, skills and abilities. Competencies both had intellectual as well as practical dimensions that were served as the bases of the agents’ professional expertise, especially in promoting their clientele well being.
As knowledge, technology and work environment changed, the Agricultural agents should also adjust their competencies. In this conjunction, the Agricultural agents’ working environment in the seven sub-districts in the district of Bekasi had tremendously changed in the last thirty years. A vast area of well-irrigated rice fields had been converted into industrial as well as urban estates. This in turn created a lot of small and land less farmers who no longer practice rice cultivation as before. Consequently, the agents’ client profiles were subsequently changed as well.
The research question then, “What were the Agricultural Agents’ needed competencies so as to serve these people well?” To address this question, a descriptive study was implemented in those sub-districts. Twenty-six Agricultural Agents were interviewed.