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Abdullah Yusuf Ali Translation. 1. By Abul A'la MaududiIbn Abbas, Ikrimah, Dahhak, Hasan Basri and Sufyan bin Uyainah have opinedthat it means, “O man”, or “O person”. Some other commentators have regarded itas an abbreviation of “Ya Sayyid” as well, which, according to thisinterpretation, would be an address to the Prophet (peace be upon him).To begin a discourse like this does not mean that the Prophet (peace be uponhim), God forbid, had some doubt about his Prophethood, and Allah had to saythis in order to reassure him of it. But the reason is that the disbelievingQuraish at that time were most vehemently refusing to believe in hisProphethood. Therefore, Allah at the very beginning of the discourse has said:You are indeed one of the Messengers, which implies that the people who denyyour Prophethood are misled and mistaken.
To further confirm the same, an oathhas been taken by the Quran and the word “wise” has been used as an epithet ofthe Quran, which means this: An obvious proof of your being a Prophet is thisQuran, which is full of wisdom. This itself testifies that the person who ispresenting such wise revelations is most surely a Messenger of God. No man hasthe power to compose such revelations. The people who know Muhammad (peace beupon him) can never be involved in the misunderstanding that he is himselfforging these discourses, or reciting them after having learned them fromanother man. For further explanation, see Surah Yunus, Ayats 16-17, 37-39; SurahBani-Israil, Ayat 88; Surah An-Naml, Ayat 75; Surah Al-Qasas, Ayats 44-46,85-87; Surah Al-Ankabut, Ayats 49-51; Surah Ar-Rum, Ayats 1-5 and the relevantE.Ns.Here, two of the attributes of the Sender of the Quran have beenmentioned. First, that He is All-Mighty; second, that He, is All-Merciful.
Thefirst attribute is meant to impress the reality that the Quran is not thecounsel of a powerless preacher, which if you overlook or ignore, will not bringany harm to you; but this is the Edict of that Owner of the Universe, Who isAll-Mighty, Whose decrees cannot be withheld from being enforced by any power,and Whose grasp cannot be avoided by anyone. The second attribute is meant tomake one realize that it is all due to His kindness and mercy that He has sentHis Messenger for your guidance and instruction and sent down this great Book sothat you may avoid errors and follow the right path which may lead you to thesuccesses of the world and the Hereafter.Another translation can be: Youshould warn the people of the same of which their forefathers had been warned,because they live in heedlessness. If the first meaning, as given above in thetext, is taken, the forefathers would imply the forefathers of the immediatepast, for in the ancient time several Prophets had appeared in Arabia. And ifthe second meaning is adopted, it would imply this: Revive and refresh themessage that had been conveyed to the forefathers of this nation by the Prophetsin the past, for these people have forgotten it. Obviously, there is nocontradiction between the two translations, and, as to meaning, each is correctin its own place.A doubt may rise here: How could the forefathers of anation to whom no warner had been sent at a particular time in the past, be heldresponsible for their deviation at that time?
The answer is: When Allah sends aProphet in the world, the influence of his message and teaching spreads far andwide, and is handed down by one generation to the other. As long as thisinfluence remains and there continue arising among the followers of the Prophetsuch people as keep his message of guidance fresh, the period of time cannot besaid to be without the guidance. And when the influence of the Prophet’steaching dies out, or the teaching is tampered with, the appointment of anotherProphet becomes inevitable. Before the advent of the Prophet (peace be upon him)the influence of the teachings of the Prophets Abraham, Ishmael, Shuaib andMoses and Jesus (peace be upon all of them) could be seen everywhere in Arabiaand from time to time there had been arising among the Arabs, or coming fromoutside, men, who revived their teachings. When the influence was about to dieout, and the real teaching was also distorted, Allah raised the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him), and made such arrangements that his message can neither bewiped out nor tampered with.
(For further explanation, see E. 5 of SurahSaba).This is about those people who were being obstinate and stubbornwith regard to the message of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and had made uptheir minds not to listen to him at all. This is because: They have alreadydeserved the torment; therefore, they do not believe. It means: The people whodo not heed the admonition, and persist in their denial and hostile attitude tothe truth in spite of the final warning from Allah conveyed through theProphets, are themselves overwhelmed by the evil consequences of their misdeedsand deprived of every opportunity to believe.
The same thing has been expressedmore clearly in verse 11 below: You can only warn him who follows the admonitionand fears the Merciful God though he cannot see Him.“Shackles” in thisverse implies their own stubbornness which was preventing them from acceptingthe truth. “Reaching to chins” and “so they are made stiff-necked” implies thestiffness of the neck which is caused by pride and haughtiness.