Dunia Terbalik adalah program series komedi yang mengangkat cerita tentang para suami yang ditinggalkan istrinya untuk bekerja di luar negeri. Dimulai dari kisah Akum, Aceng, Idoy dan satu musuh bebuyutan Aceng, Dadang.
3 starsWell, akhirnya tibalah kita di penghujung acara. Setelah memulainya dengan sangat gila di Crazy Rich Asians (gue singkat CRA, yang filmnyanya 3 starsWell, akhirnya tibalah kita di penghujung acara. Setelah memulainya dengan sangat gila di Crazy Rich Asians (gue singkat CRA, yang filmnyanya booming, walau banyak bedanya -Ren ini masih jengkel karena perbedaan - perbedaan itu =)) -), lalu melanjutkan kegilaan itu di China Rich Girlfriend (CRG) yang bersetting di Shanghai, Kevin Kwan memutuskan untuk mengakhiri drama orang kaya Asia Timur yang berpusat di negara kecil superpower Singapura di Rich People Problems (RPP).Perasaan gue setelah baca buku ini adalah. CAPEK:/.Selain capek karena bacanya sampai begadang dan bikin gue jadi agak ngantuk pagi ini, capek juga nulis reviewnya berturut - turut karena gue re-write review CRA, ngereview CRG untuk pertama kalinya dan sekarang nulis review RPP mumpung masih fresh ceritanya.
Tapi alasan gue capek ini sebenarnya bukan karena itu. Apakah RPP masih menghibur seperti pendahulu - pendahulunya?
Apakah masih penuh gosip dan merek - merek terkenal yang bahkan mesti digoogle dulu? Masalahnya, karena ini ending dari trilogy CRA, banyak sekali plot-plot yang berusaha dijejalkan oleh Kevin Kwan dalam satu buku, banyak karakter baru yang diperkenalkan, sementara beberapa karakter lama tidak mendapat cukup panggung.
3 starsPainfully accurate, cute and hilariously amusing at the same time. For some I can relate, for few parts I just 'nope, I think I didn't behave 3 starsPainfully accurate, cute and hilariously amusing at the same time. For some I can relate, for few parts I just 'nope, I think I didn't behave like that, lol'. Sarah Andersen address a fundamental question about adulthood. Is it a real thing?
Or it's just a fantasy?.insert Bohemian Rhapsody intro.I can said adulthood is part of myth part of something that society throw to you, therefore you must abide its rules. This comic is full of sarcasm to those what society called 'adulthood'. So what if you behave like a child? Because I did it everyday, lol!And are you introvert? Well, you will feel connected with Sarah. Not at all, tho. But the 'I hate people' part is something that I can relate.
And the laziness part.and the procrastination part.(and the list go on and on). 4 starsStill in Dragon Kin series binge, I decide to read Dragon on Top for the next. I didn't re-read this one, because back then, I just don't hav 4 starsStill in Dragon Kin series binge, I decide to read Dragon on Top for the next. I didn't re-read this one, because back then, I just don't have time or not interested enough to read about Ghleanna. This novella is also prequel and the event happen after Chains and Flames, so Rhiannon already become queen, and Bercelak is her consort now. You can read Dragon on Top as stand alone, but you will miss the world building and characters background. Ghleanna first introduced in Chains & Flames, as for Bram the Merciful, he first appear in A Tale of Two Dragons.Aiken again show her craft writing with an usual trope 'opposite attract'.
For this novella, she used alpha heroine and beta hero. Especially if you so fed up with all that alpha macho hero out there. Bram might be a beta, nerd, easily distracted, peacemaker and also merciful, like his moniker. Yet, he show that he can be alpha too, both out and in the bed (ehm).
Aiken know that war can't be won through just a melee or hacking enemy until they become pulp. One of the core to winning war is through negotiation and alliance. I really enjoy the way Aiken write about it.When I'm afraid if Ghleanna just a typical strong alpha female, readers will get into her struggle too. If you already reading Chains and Flames, it's apparent that Ghleanna hate her father's reputation, Ailean the Slag.
Having a former whore as your father, even the said father already committed to monogamy, is hard, for Ghleanna also have been accused as a whore too. It's a little bit so sad to read how Ghleanna can't accept her own father, but Bram help her to see her father's present life, not his past. I also delightful to know that even Ghleanna is a type that 'kill enemy first, ask them later', she also have a part in Bram's negotiation thingie.I forgot if I had read about Sea Dragons in Dragon Kin novel, and mind you, I read book 1-6 long long time ago. Dragon on Top give insight into Sea Dragons, called Fins, and how eccentric and egomaniacal they are.
Aiken once more show how intricate her Dragon Kin world building can be. As for Bram and Ghleanna relationship, it's so funny to read how both characters are so easily distracted. I'm amused when reading Bram that can't stop his mind and his work, so immersed in the process.
Amused too how Ghleanna seems didn't see Bram at first, didn't know that this younger dragon already fallen in love with her through years. How her Cadwaladr family see Bram's infatuation, yet Ghleanna so oblivious to it. In the end, I really enjoy their interaction, a unique addiction to common romance trope out there.And.that's why I like G.A. Her heroes always fallen in love hard and work hard, and her heroines are ass kickin and so unapologetic! Really, really, my favorite!!:). 3,5 starsSetelah re-read Crazy Rich Asians dalam rangka menyegarkan pikiran setelah nonton filmnya (YANG BANYAK BEDANYA. Silakan dilihat apa bedanya 3,5 starsSetelah re-read Crazy Rich Asians dalam rangka menyegarkan pikiran setelah nonton filmnya (YANG BANYAK BEDANYA.
Silakan dilihat apa bedanya di review Crazy Rich Asians:)) ), rasanya sayang kalau gue ga sekalian maraton dua buku sisanya di akhir minggu kemaren. Syukurlah Kevin Kwan hanya menulis CRA sebagai trilogy dan mengakhirinya dengan manis di Rich People Problems (yang akan gue review selanjutnya), but eh, who knows if he change his mind.Gue setuju sama Mba Astrid (yang juga bernama sama dengan Astrid Leong-Teo yang chic di buku ini ^^) yang bilang kalau plot ayah Rachel itu sangat unoriginal.
Akan jadi spoiler bagi yang belum baca CRA, jadi lebih bagusnya baca CRA dulu, karena China Rich Girlfriend bukan stand alone. Dengan setting 2 tahun setelah CRA, Rachel akhirnya menerima lamaran Nick (yang JAUH LEBIH ROMANTIS ketimbang versi filmnya) dan akan menikah. Masalahnya, Eleanor lagi - lagi mengacau dengan ngerusak set tempat nikah Rachel dengan invasi helikopter layaknya adegan film Apocalypse Now (kata bapaknya si Nick). Apa Eleanor masih ga setuju ma Rachel dan Nick?
Oh tunggu dulu, karena Eleanor ya tetep Eleanor. Tetep apa - apa dihitung dengan uang, dan kalaupun dia setuju dengan pernikahan Nick dan Rachel, itu karena bapaknya Rachel itu orang penting di pemerintahan Tiongkok.
Rachel dari keluarga KAYA!Setelah diajak mengelilingi Singapura di CRA, kali ini Kwan mengajak pembacanya menyelusuri Shanghai. RE-READBaca ulang dalam rangka habis nonton versi filmnya 2 minggu yang lalu, dan karena baca buku ini di awal 2017, jadi ya banyak yang lupa (Fakto RE-READBaca ulang dalam rangka habis nonton versi filmnya 2 minggu yang lalu, dan karena baca buku ini di awal 2017, jadi ya banyak yang lupa (Faktor 'U' emang ga bisa boong ya XD).
Setelah ngobrol dengan kawan - kawan BBI Jabo, fix kalau versi filmnya SANGAT HOLLYWOOD sekali, dan bener - bener buat konsumsi penonton Amrik sana jadi mayan BANYAK bedanya antara film dan buku. Apa aja bedanya? Silakan cek spoiler di mari:- Adegan awal yang ikonik, baik di buku maupun di film, yaitu dibelinya hotel Calthorpe oleh keluarga Young. Bedanya kalau di buku yang beli Felicity, kalau di film malah Eleanor- Saat Rachel pergi ke Tyersall Park (yang di film walau memang terlihat mevvah, tapi rasanya lebih MEWAH lagi di bukunya), dia bertemu Eleanor dan Shang Su Yi untuk pertama kalinya.
Padahal di buku pada saat itu Eleanor malah pergi ke Shenzen, Tiongkok, dengan kroco2nya buat nyelidikin masa lalu Rachel- Yang menemani Rachel di pesta lajang Araminta di Pulau Samsara bukan Astrid, melainkan Sophie Khoo yang adiknya Colin. Astrid saat itu sedang memikirkan perselingkuhan Michael dan malah nabrak pohon. Di pulau juga Rachel dipanas2innya bukan oleh Amanda Ling, tapi Fransesca Shaw.
Rachel ketemu Mandy justru pas nikahan Araminta. Tapi adegan yang Rachel diancam pake bangkai ikan itu masih tetep sama sih =)). Sayangnya adegan di pulau ini juga melewatkan salah satu pesan penting buku ini, dimana Sophie saat itu mengatakan kalau wanita China tidak dianggap selama belum menikah maka dia ga sukses!- Karakterisasi Peik Lin YANG SANGAT BERBEDA. Bahkan Goh Wye Mun dan P.T juga sama2 beda, malah kakak Peik Lin yang sulung dan istrinya entah kenapa ga disorot (mungkin ada?) Peik Lin malah jadi comic relief, walaupun memang Awkafina itu bagus aktingnya jadi Peik Lin. Masalahnya, penampilan Awkafina as Peik Lin itu unik nyentrik, sementara di buku malah kayak super model! Ken Jeong juga lebaaay pas jadi Goh Wye Mun:P- Ini yang LEBIH PENTING, di film Michael ngaku kalau selingkuh, dan Astrid dengan bangganya bilang yang intinya ' bukan urusan gue untuk membuat loe merasa jantan, misua!'
MICHAEL KAGAK SELINGKUH. NOPE, NADA, ZILCH! Michael cuma pura - pura selingkuh, walau penyebabnya emang sama, kesenjangan finansial antara Astrid dan Michael serta keluarga Leong yang mengintimidasi. Masalahnya lagi, ini sangat ngaruh pada subplot Astrid dan Charlie, dan akibatnya Charlie ditaruh di post credit! Gue kasihan ma pemeran Charlie, Harry Shum Jr cuma nongol di akhir, padahal peran Charlie sangat krusial dalam mengembalikan hubungan Astrid dan Michael. Gue paham kalau pernyataan Astrid di film itu sepertinya emang lagi mengusung emansipasi wanita, tapi masalahnya di buku doski itu masih tipe istri tradisional yang berharap Michael bakal balik dan nyalahin diri sendiri. Charlie bahkan bantu membeli perusahaan Michael supaya cowo itu bangkit lagi, tanpa Astrid tahu!
Bagi gue, ini sangat menyebalkan lho. Karena subplot ini bakal ngaruh banyak ke China Rich Girlfriend.- Yang lebih penting kedua, Rachel ga head to head sama Eleanor dan main mahjong di bukunya! Gue agak- agak bingung pas liat film, like 'emangnya doski main mahjong ya?'
Dan pertanyaan gue kejawab pas baca ulang. Di film, Rachel tahu masa lalunya setelah nikahan Araminta, sementara di buku setelah dia syok pas tahu Nick pernah threesome dengan Amanda dan Fransesca waktu mereka masih remaja (ini ga ada juga di film, biar ga scandalous kali ya =)), dan Nick ngajak Rachel ke Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, yang sayangnya saat itu ada Eleanor dan Su Yi yang jatuhin bomb.
Which is, salah banyak bedanya lagi antara hubungan Eleanor dan Rachel:# Eleanor ga bilang terang2an kalau Rachel ga pantas buat Nick di Tyersall Park di buku. Eleanor dan Rachel pertama kali ketemu di rumah Eleanor dan Eleanor ngebatinnya Rachel mata duitan.# Rachel ga dilarang duduk di bagian keluarga Young pas nikahan Araminta, dan ga ada tuh adegan doski ketemu Putri Cinta, Citra, Intan samting kayak di buku. Dia masih disambut dg baik. Versi filmnya emang lebay2 khas hollywood =))- DI BUKU TUH GA ADA ADEGAN NICK NGELAMAR DI PESAWAT!!!
ANJIR ini bener - bener khas Hollywood!:)))) Endingnya sendiri Eleanor ngakuin Rachel gara2 adegan mahjong, padahal di buku Nick putus hubungan sama keluarganya sampai dua tahun dan ga mau bicara sama sekali ma ibunya. Nick itu baru ngelamar Rachel di buku China Rich Girlfriend dan lamarannya justru lebih romantis ketimbang yang di pesawat karena Nick bela2in bawa penyanyi jalanan yang dulu nyanyi pas awal kencan mereka. Itu juga pas kembali ke New York setelah insiden Rachel tahu masa lalunya, mereka sempat break bentar. Apakah filmnya lantas jelek? Well, ndak juga sih, karena gue menikmati nontonnya dengan misua, walau gue masih kurang sreg sama pemilihan Henry Golding jadi Nick Young yang menurut gue kurang Chinese.
Michele Yeoh sendiri benernya cocok jadi Eleanor, tapi masalahnya versi buku Eleanor ga seanggun versi filmnya, mungkin juga karena karakterisasi ibu - ibu macan asia yang super kepo dan jahat di bukunya itu berasa sangat sinetron dan ndak cocok dengan image Yeoh:)). Perasaan gw aja atau humornya rada garing? Atau kayaknya karena ceritanya jadi muter - muter di tokoh itu - itu aja ya, mengingat pasangannya pun suda Perasaan gw aja atau humornya rada garing? Atau kayaknya karena ceritanya jadi muter - muter di tokoh itu - itu aja ya, mengingat pasangannya pun sudah fix.Bagian yang lucu sih pas:#game horror#Mayu dan Mikoshiba saling email, tapi Mikorin ngira Mayu itu cewe dan temen Mayu ngira Mikorin cewe karena Mikorin pake nama Mamiko saat email2anPenasaran, Nozaki itu se-oneng apa sih, sampai dia ga nyadar kalau manga bikinannya amat sangat standard?:v Kasian Pak Ken kan jadinya. Yo yo yo, Nozaki and the gank back to the corner yooo.ga jelas:v.Bisa dilihat dari cover, kali ini pasangan favorit gw si S&a Yo yo yo, Nozaki and the gank back to the corner yooo.ga jelas:v.Bisa dilihat dari cover, kali ini pasangan favorit gw si S&M Seo dan Wakamatsu jadi highlight.
Kenapa kok gw bilang S&M. Soalnya Seo emang cocok jadi sadist dan Waka itu maso abis.
Ya iyalah, dibully Seo mau aja dia, lol! Ga bisa kebayang gimana reaksi Waka kalau tahu Lorelei yang didambakannya itu ternyata orang yang selama ini nyiksa dia.
Keren buat jadi tema novel BDSM kayaknya #dikeplakSeperti biasa, Nozaki &co tetap menggila di volume 4 ini. Semua ceritanya GILA! Dan sukses bikin gw yang sebelum baca nih komik berantem sama misua, terus ketawa guling - guling di lantai (aka ROTFL) dan lupa sama misua (eh ngga lah ya:v).
Semua trope di shojo manga diledek habis - habisan dan ngga nanggung pula nyindirnya XD.Favorite part of course.otome game. Gw kadang ngga ngerti bagusnya game ini dimananya. Pernah dulu install di HP dan.ngehang hpnya:. Udah ngga jelas maunya apa, ceritanya gimana, yang bagus cuma yang ganteng - ganteng aja:v. Bagian saat si heroine game otome ngiyain aja semua tipe hero dan penjilat sejati sumpah bikin ngakak. Apa semua tokoh utama cewe di game otome itu nrimoan orangnya?:))Kali ini ada tokoh baru, yaitu Mayu, adiknya Nozaki.
Sama kayak kakaknya, Mayu juga ngga kalah anehnya, dan badannya lebih bagus. Tapi itu juga Nozaki mana pernah shirtless. Ayo dong Nozaki, telanjang dada sekali juga gapapa #salahfokus. Bonusnya sih, bisa lihat Mikorin topless, walau cuma sekilas:)). Keluarga Nozaki, surprisely cukup normal, walau bokapnya lebay.
Keanehan Nozaki ma Mayu itu nurun dari siapa coba?:vKalau pasangan kak Hori sama Kashima.sejak awal emang biasa aja sih. Lebih sukaan Waka-Seo. Gw bahkan mendukung banget Waka-Seo jadian, hanya supaya bisa lihat Seo 'nyiksa Waka'. Chiyo sih, biarin aja jomblo dan memendam rasa terus sama Nozaki.
Karena kalau mereka jadian, bisa jadi cerita ini cepet selesainya:v.Senengnya, ada dossier di belakang manga ini yang isinya biodata semua tokoh. Penerjemahnya gokil abis. Apalagi masalah ukuran dada.
Yang sadis mungkin ukuran dada Kashima yang dibilang kayak papan penggilesan:)))).Menunggu volume 5 terbit.dan ini kayaknya bakalan lama nunggu vol selanjutnya. Lah di Jepun aja baru sampe vol 6:'(. Re-ReadStill one of my favorite Dragon Kin book. I absolutely adore Gaius and Kachka together!Also, I stated that in my original review that I hope Re-ReadStill one of my favorite Dragon Kin book. I absolutely adore Gaius and Kachka together!Also, I stated that in my original review that I hope Branwen and Aidan's book is not the last Dragon Kin book, but the truth is.it is:(. Since Aiken just inform reader from her newest newsletter that she now will write another book in the Dragon Kin world but will not feature the dragons. But she promised her readers that the dragons will make appearance here and there.Original review below:)!5 starsBetter than the previous obviously!
I'm glad that Feel the Burn didn't feel like The Dragon Who Loved Me, which is still my favorite book. Poor Vigholf and Rhona that feel like secondary characters at that book and I never read about them again in the next book. Seems like Aiken just focused her story around Anwyll, her abomination twins, the eccentric Cadwaladr and royal dragons from House of Gwalchmai fab Gwyar.I'm glad that Aiken did Gaius Domitus a justice. I always think he's one of strict dragon. I don't realize that he have his own playful side. He's so witty and I love his bantering with Kachka. I like Kachka more than her sister Elina.
Even both are straightforward women, Kachka is worse than Elina apparently. Her uptightness combined with Gaius wicked sense of humor are a perfect combination. I can't ask for more:DI see some comment that state the romance is becoming less, but in my opinion, Feel the Burn mixed romance and fantasy perfectly.
The action is engaging, the story expanding, and the romance is not over the top. The steaminess is also there, and since this is Aiken/Laurenston we talk about, I always know she will bring the heat! My favorite part? When Gaius introduced all the Steppes Riders with all their long name. It's hilarious! XD My favorite character?
It's Zoya Kolesova, one of the Riders. I like her cheerful and annoying characteristic. She never failed to crack me up.I feel that Dragon Kin world near the ending, but I hope Branwenn and Aidan's book, Bring the Heat is not the final book, because I can't get enough of the dragons with their comedy of errors.
3 starsThe Extraordinary Life of Lara Craft (with A) is indeed an extraordinary book. A kind of parody and comedy version of Eat, Prey, Love writt 3 starsThe Extraordinary Life of Lara Craft (with A) is indeed an extraordinary book. A kind of parody and comedy version of Eat, Prey, Love written by duo Becky Wicks and Sarah Alderson under pen name 'Lola Salt'. Even their pen name is make me snort.heh. Lara, often mistakenly as mix of Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox and Lana Del Rey, just have a shitty day, fired and break up from her recent boyfriend. She then offered a job in Calibre Concierge from her childhood friend, Jamie, to deliver a package. Seems easy at first, to deliver a package and travel around the world.
What a girl can ask for?Turn that Lara will have extraordinary and raunchy world trips. Start from deflower a virgin and religious cowboy at Australia, have a threesome with Twihard wannabe that think himself as Edward Cullen and his junkies friend at Los Angeles. Then, must act as caught in a fragrante delicto with a gay Arab prince in order to save say prince from his brother in Dubai, discovered fraud cult that used sex in Bali, and last, kidnapped by pirates on Somalia just because the bandits mistake her with the real Angelina Jolie.Even this book have some erotic vibe, all are written in subtle way but still intended for adults. I think that the part of the around the world trips come from Becky Wicks, and quite surprised that Sarah Alderson who is a YA adult write adult book. Some humor in this book and Lara's personality make me snort, gigle and laugh, even some can be over the top. So many pop culture and celebrity names throw here and there and sometimes it can be so annoying to read. I like 'why all people (especially guys) that Lara encounter always have a resemblance with some famous actors?'
TBH, if readers set aside the sillines, I think that they will enjoy this story. Lara is hilarious, funny and so confident with her sexuality. I like the part when she go to Australia and my favorite is when she is on Dubai. Alas, the part in Bali is too short, imo. I would love to like how the author portray Bali, since I'm Indonesian and I know that Alderson also live at Bali.
What bother me maybe when an Indonesian receptionist called Lara with 'Ibu', then alter it with 'ma'am'. I don't know what Balinese used to called foreign, but usually we will used 'Ms', or 'ma'am'. And if they used 'Ibu', we sometimes shorten it to 'Bu'. Well, this is just technical writing but still make me a little bit annoyed.Of course this is a fiction, so I will said that don't take this one seriously.
Some parts also wrongly written such as in Australia, there's no cowboy term, then the writing of Muslim prayer that the Dubai Prince said (since I'm Muslim too), even I'm not shocked when read about their 'antics', and many other. If you want a comedy and light read, prepare yourself to enjoy Lara Craft's life that indeed. Extraordinary.e-ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review. 3,5 starsMurder, food, chefs, humor, suspense, competition, celebrity, gossips, Southern Charms, witty heroine, alphahole but adorkable hero and l 3,5 starsMurder, food, chefs, humor, suspense, competition, celebrity, gossips, Southern Charms, witty heroine, alphahole but adorkable hero and love. A recipe that proposed by Dyann Love Barr when she deliver her new novel, Recipe for Murder Love. Is the recipe work? Why, I can said.yes.I always love watching culinary reality shows such as MasterChef or Hell's Kitchen (yes, I did enjoy when Gordon Ramsay cussing, over and over).
When I read the premise of Recipe for Murder Love, which is a combination of culinary world and murder, I don't hesitate to request this one. The story start with a bang, with our heroine Matilda 'Tilly' Danes and her archnemesis, Jordan Kelly, both are celebrity chef, found the body of a food critic that love to diss their cooking in a meanie way, dead. Worse, he lost his winkie (or penis, but Tilly prefer winkie, being a Southern gal that is. Everybody have motives, because Max (the food critic) have so many enemies.
The question is.who?So our h/H suddenly become amateur sleuths and start their investigation, while manage to pissed off each other like toddler. Okay, this sound like sarcasm, but I enjoy the banter between Jordan and Tilly. Jordan fallin hard for Tilly, and like 5 year old boy that don't know what to do when he like a girl, he constantly bait and make Tilly angry. He become desperate to make Tilly his, after Tilly flirting with the detective that have their case, Tyler Jericho. Jordan is pissed off because Tilly become close to Tyler and did anything he can to separate them.
Tilly herself is infatuated with Tyler, but in the other side she also attracted to Jordan. She is afraid of commitment and don't know what to do with her feeling for Jordan. If you hate love triangle, rest assured, it's clear who Tilly will choose in the end. IMHO, the love rival element make the story fresh. Also it's amusing to see the hero chase the heroine no the other way around.Alas, while in the first the suspense, bantering and humor is so good, near the end the story feel dragging. I also have guessed who the culprit behind the murder in the half part and the ending also feel anticlimax.Anyway, if you want to read a light suspense with humor and likable h/H, you will love to read Recipe for Murder Lovee-ARC provided by Entangled for honest review.