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Search This Site!Web Pages:Whole O Catalogue:HotClock(Radio Programming Software)Stop drawing your format clocks by hand!HotClock was created especially for radio programmers, and it's the fastest & easiest way to graphically represent your programming hour (or program or even full day).Just enter the Start and Stop time of each event, and HotClock will do the rest.HotClock's intuitive design lets you be productive immediately! (It comes with incredibly easy-to-understand instructions, but you probably won't even need to refer to them.)HotClock works on any PC that runs Windows 95 or later. (Sorry, it doesn't run on Macintosh).What is HotClock?HotClock is:. A programmer's dream.
Exceptionally easy to use. So inexpensive that any radio professional can afford it.You use it to create pie charts that resemble the face of a clock, so that everything on your radio station (or radio program) occurs exactly when it's supposed to.